Learn the secrets to picking up club head speed
This is Tyler's specialty and what sets him apart from other golf trainers. Many programs tell you they can improve your club head speed and ball speed to make you hit it further than before. Tyler has put in years of research on the body biomechanics both in the gym and swing to develop his program. If you are wanting to hit the ball further, look no further. Tyler can work with you one on one or through online coaching to teach you how to become the most explosive athlete you can be.
The speed advantage: THE PROGRAM
Tyler starts with a baseline of your current driver club head speed, ball speed, and distance using Trackman. Then he takes you through a series of tests to develop another baseline of your body movements. Once calculated, he can start to train and manipulate the parts of the body that are holding you back from being the longest hitting in your group. A couple of mph can be added quickly in a few swings and even more after spending time working on the specific areas.
The key is muscle activation. Learning how to turn on specific muscles that many not be firing in your swing. The player needs to have elasticity and fast twitch muscle activation to produce the speed and power every golfer is constently searching for to take their game to the next level. Each person is different and so is their starting point. Not every golfer can achieve 120 plus mph club head speed, but they CAN increase from their current average.
Swinging faster is great, but the most importatnt part to using the newly found speed is centerness of the hit. You do not want to swing faster and mishit the ball, as this will drop ball speed which is the most important number when looking at total distance carried.
Take the first step to gaining club head speed and contact Tyler. If you are unable to meet Tyler at Olde-Stone don't let that slow you down.
Set up a video session with Tyler to activate your speed potentional.

Do you want to SWING FASTER?
You've come to the right place!
Proven results with amateurs and the PGA Tour