If interested in any of the services listed below, email Tyler for further assistance.

Online Golf Lesson
Body/swing breakdown
A remote lesson is great for those who can not make it to my location. Send in 2 views (a front on view of your swing and a down the line). I will anazlye the swing and give a comparison, video voice over, and demonstrate what you need to change and explain the importance.

Same as a regular video lesson, except you get to improve that much more and receive a discount.
Online Golf Lesson (series of 3)
All workout programs require an initial evaluation (online/$100) so we can make a custom program for your golf fitness needs. As no two golfers are alike their programs shouldn't be either.
Get a personalized video made for your game and goals.
I have trained many PGA Tour players with videos. This is now an option for many of you who live to far to travel to see me as often as we would like.
If you are wanting to improve your overall game or have specific goals in mind such as club head speed this is the plan for you to start improving.
Online video workout
Written Program
ONE video

This plan is not for everyone. You should have a general knowledge of workouts and movements. The plan is what it sounds like. I will make a program to run the course of 8 weeks for you to follow along and start improving.
An evaluation is required prior to starting the program.
Looking to improve your body and golf game? This is a great opinion for you to follow along and complete the workout on your own time. The videos are not specific to you, yet golf specific. They focus on cardio, strength, and power. Toward the end of the workout, we will focus on core. Finally, we end each workout stretching.